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Pandemic: Luck or Skill 

The United States seems to be flattening the COVID-19 infection curve, but the road to recovery is still very long. The economic effects are like a puzzle with

Starting business in pandemic economy

The Pandemic: Risk Analysis

Investing is more about managing risk than pursuing profits. Ask the layman about investing and he is very likely going to flip that script.  Profits are

Pythagorean theorem, math class in the school

Pandemic: It’s Just Math

“The completely ridiculous thinking and reactions to this virus might finish me off in healthcare,” she said. This family member sounded a lot like several

Abandoned derelict old car in the sandy desert

The Pandemic: My Initial Position

My 90-year-old grandmother called me at 11:06 PM on a Thursday night in early March. She followed up the 60 second voicemail with a text at 11:08

Funny goggles with round glasses on pink background and the word FOOL. April fool's day

Only Fools

The real estate investing environment looks like a world in which trees grow to the sky. Capital flows into real estate have soared, taking cap rates to

Private luxury jet at the airport terminal

Contradiction of Flashiness

Investors signal their core values by the way in which they live. For those who claim to adhere to a value investing approach, the characteristics of

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